Nuclear Instrumentation Lab:
NI Lab has been established with 8 staff in Natmauk, DAE, Yangon, Myanmar. As a current situation, refurbishments, repair and maintenances of nuclear Instruments which are offer from Laboratories under DAE and other government departments. Moreover, carrying out research work for the development of nuclear technology and experimental projects for nuclear application fields in order to provide the departmental requirements.

NI Lab is running under Department of Atomic Energy. This Lab has been involved with IAEA/TC programme (MYA/0/007) and MYA/4/009. The current project is running under MYA/0/0009(“Establishing an Information Communication Technology (ICT) based National Training Centre for Nuclear Instrumentation.”

In addition, the staff are studying , teaching and distributing the technical knowledge from training course supported by IAEA to technician and nuclear technological students in nuclear application fields. Current Activity in NI-Lab at DAE is as shown in Block Diagram.